environmental protection and economic sustainability for Western Port Bay and its coastlines


image: Leafy Seadragon

A new ‘whole of bay’ approach

Our mission is to manage, restore, and legally protect the marine and coastal environment of Western Port Bay, now and for the future. Guided by community, our ‘whole of bay’ integrated approach champions environmental protection and economic sustainability for Western Port Bay and its coastlines. 

THE Three core pillars of the vision: 

A new Strategic Plan for Western Port Bay

A coordinated planning and management tool that recognises the natural values of the Western Port and the future economic prosperity of the region. 

A collaborative management Partnership  

bringing together Traditional Custodians, community representatives, government agencies, councils, local business and industries, fishing and recreational groups, to develop and deliver the plan. 

A dedicated fund to ACHIEVE the plan  

Committed annual resources to make sure the Western Port Bay framework successfully meets its objectives.

image: Penguin, James White


We’re not talking about reinventing the wheel, but rather redesigning it to give the bay the best chance of a resilient, healthy future.

No single tool under existing legislation can deliver the whole-of-bay environmental care and sustainable development needed.

We suggest a combination of complementary tools, used in a careful and coordinated way. Attention should be given to the most effective elements of current marine and coastal legislation. A comprehensive Environmental Management Plan that includes marine spatial planning (among other tools) is vital.

Council planning, Plan Melbourne, Melbourne Water models and projects, the Western Port Ramsar Management Plan, Port of Hastings plans, and others will also form critical parts of the strategic plan. 

Ideally this process would be overseen by a regional and strategic partnership that co-designs and overseas funding and the delivery of projects.

image: Leafy Seadragon

image: Penguin, James White

download the framework

Download the strategic framework for the future of Western Port Bay here.


  • Perspectives and values of Traditional Custodians are at the forefront of the vision.

  • Collaborative systems across water and land bring together Traditional Custodians, community groups, and government agencies.

  • Transparent assessment of industrial proposals with genuine opportunities for community input.

  • Permanent legal protections against detrimental or degrading uses of the Bay and coastlines.

  • Inclusion of Western Port Bay’s cultural, recreational and conservation significance in future decision-making.

  • Comprehensive marine and coastal surveys to identify, assess and prioritise management of high conservation value areas, migratory birds, threatened plants and animals, and threatening processes.

  • Restoration of degraded marine and wetland habitats to create: 

    • Resilience against climate change and other impacts

    • Revitalised habitats for important and threatened plants and animals  

    • Climate mitigation through the protection and care of seagrasses, mangroves and saltmarsh

    • Improved sustainability of the economy that depends on a healthy living world.




  • Comprehensive environmental management, biodiversity conservation, research and monitoring of the Western Port environment. 

  • Strengthened Traditional Custodian and community stewardship and governance. 

  • Improved transparency for industry and government in understanding the benefits of rejecting inappropriate development proposals. 

  • Cost-effective approach to managing Western Port by funding activities with positive tangible outcomes.

  • Strengthened environmental health and climate resilience by protecting biodiversity.  

  • Improved tourism and recreational opportunities including fishing, especially where initiatives such as habitat restoration occur. 

Show your support

Sign up to add your name to our Western Port Bay list and show your support for our suggested framework to ensure the future of our beloved bay.